Blackened Salmon is one of my favorite ways of grilling Chinook and Coho lately. Our friend Chris from Brookings, Oregon sent me a few really great photos that really get me motivated to make it again!
The trick with any salmon recipe cooked on a grill is the temperature and timing. I prefer a hot cast iron, same as Chris. Cast iron is slow to heat, but gives an even heating surface. I like to test the cast iron temperature by splashing a little water on. If it sizzles and boils off immediately, you are on the right track. Every grill is different, so there will be a little trial and error if you are cooking on a cast iron the first time.
Blackened Salmon Rub Ingredients

This is a great pic of the ingredients. Go heavy with the paprika, and adjust the garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder and other ingredients based on your preference.

Grilling Blackened Salmon
Drench all the non-skin areas of the fillet in the blackening season. Shake off once the cast iron has been heated to your liking, drizzle a little olive oil or butter in the pan and place the salmon skin-side up to get the top to blacken. Give it half the cook time before flipping it skin-side down. Take a fork and pull apart one piece to ensure it’s cooked through. A very slight translucence is fine because it will continue to cook. Be vigilant and monitor the grill during the cooking time… nobody likes overcooked salmon!