Want to experience the best fishing charters in Seattle, Washington and the rest of our great state? Everyone listed here is a friend of mine, and am pleased to recommend them. These are of our favorite fishing charters and guides in the Pacific Northwest. Whether you are looking for a salmon fishing charter or another trip such as Halibut, Lingcod, Tuna or Steelhead, check out these great fishing guides for your next trip!
Best Seattle Fishing Charters

Recommended Seattle Area Fishing Charters
Best Seattle Fishing Charters – Based out of Shilshole Marina in Seattle, Washington. We tailor our daily Seattle charter trips for Puget Sound Chinook, Coho and Pink Salmon fishing. Their charter boats depart from Seattle’s Shilshole Bay Marina near the Ballard neighborhood, just 15 minutes north of Downtown Seattle.
Messin’ Around Fishing Charters – Bremerton and Seattle based fishing charter. Puget Sound charter trips for Salmon, Crab, Lingcod, Flounder, and Squid.
All Rivers & Saltwater Charters – Team guides provide fishing charters across Washington State. Westport charter trips for Albacore Tuna, Salmon, Lingcod, Rockfish, and Halibut. Seattle charter trips for Salmon, Crab, and Flounder. Olympic Peninsula guided trips for Salmon and Steelhead.
Spot Tail Salmon Guide – Seattle based charter offering hands on salmon mooching trips and guided fly fishing excursions on Puget Sound.
Angler’s Edge Sportfishing – Westport, Washington fishing charter that specializes in Salmon, Halibut, Lingcod, Rockfish and Albacore Tuna.
River Dog Outfitters – River fishing and whitewater rafting excursions. North Puget Sound Rivers guided trips for Salmon and Steelhead. Eastern Washington guided fly fishing trips for Trout.
Livin’ Life Adventures – Snohomish County based fishing guide. Lake Stevens Kokanee and Trout guided trips. Snohomish River guided trips for Salmon. Skykomish River guided trips for Salmon and Steelhead.
Get Hooked NW – Guide Matthew Chandler offers fishing charters on Puget Sound, Skykomish River, Olympic Peninsula, Cowlitz River and Columbia River.
Tyee Charters – Seattle and Bainbridge Island fishing charter specializing in Puget Sound Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, Pink Salmon and Lingcod.
Cut Plug Charter – Seattle based fishing charter specializing in Lingcod fishing and hands-on mooching for Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon and Pink Salmon.
San Juan Island Fishing Charters – San Juan Islands fishing charter based in Friday Harbor, Washington. Specializing in Salmon, Lingcod and Halibut Fishing.
Seattle Squid – Captain Paul Kim, based out of Seattle. Salmon fishing charter, with a really unique Seattle Waterfront Squid trip that is pretty fun!