Seattle’s Marine Area 10 portion of Puget Sound opens for salmon fishing on June 1 this year! We should start catching Resident Coho, followed by Chinook, Pinks and Ocean-range Coho.
Pink Salmon

Puget Sound Pink Salmon Report – August 29th
This season’s returning Pink Salmon are in big-time and fishing was great this weekend! We started at Richmond Beach this morning, and had a little action but not phenomenal, so we ran north to Marine Area 9 and fished in the deep water between Possession and Picnic Point. As we approached, we could see Pinks …

First Puget Sound Pink Salmon of 2021
Well, I have been waiting for it! Yesterday we caught our first Pink Salmon of the 2021 Puget Sound Season! Trolling on Jeff Head near Seattle at 60′ on the downrigger… it shouldn’t be too long before we start to see these as part of our daily catch! Usually the Pink Salmon start flooding into …

Beginner’s Guide to Tying a Simple Marabou Salmon Twitching Jig
Twitching jigs for salmon was once unheard of, now it has become one of the most mainstream techniques on the rivers of the Pacific Northwest. If you have tried this technique and want to give tying your own jigs a shot, this post is for you. While most of the guys that tie their own …
Beginner’s Guide to Tying a Simple Marabou Salmon Twitching JigRead More

Pink Salmon – The Humpback of the River
Pink Salmon are the most numerous salmon species in the North Pacific Ocean. They offer robust commercial fisheries. However, they are also an easy catch for anglers in saltwater areas, rivers and streams. Male Pink Salmon grow a comically large hump on their back prior to spawning, giving the species its famous nickname: the Humpy …

Puget Sound’s Beaches – Salmon Fishing from Shore
When I stand on the shores of Puget Sound, I feel like a lucky man to live in a place so filled with natural beauty and great fishing. Salmon flood into Puget Sound throughout our summer months. Before I bought my boat, I spent many a day shorebound. Casting towards that dream of landing a …

Possession Bar Salmon Fishing
Possession Bar Salmon Fishing near Whidbey Island, Washington Possession Bar is one of the most storied salmon fishing areas in all of Puget Sound. In essence, this massive shelf is an underwater extension of Whidbey Island. The tides push heavy against it, as it is located where Admiralty Inlet, Possession Sound and Central Puget Sound …

Mooching for Pink, Coho and Chinook Salmon in One Day!
I got to take a great family out to experience their first fishing trip on Puget Sound. Rich Jr. moved to Seattle a year ago and his family was in town for a visit, and decided that they would try out fishing in Rich’s new hometown. Great people that were rewarded with a great day …
Mooching for Pink, Coho and Chinook Salmon in One Day!Read More

The 12 Best Lures for Pink Salmon Fishing in Rivers
Best Pink Salmon Lures for River Fishing I live near a few great Pink Salmon fishing rivers, where these easy-to-catch fish arrive en masse every other year. When they make their way through Puget Sound and into our rivers, they become a crowd favorite with everyone; from the seasoned angler to the novice. Pink Salmon …
The 12 Best Lures for Pink Salmon Fishing in RiversRead More

Snohomish River Salmon Fishing
Snohomish River Offers Great Salmon Fishing! Just beyond the rolling suburban hills of Seattle lies the Snohomish River, which hosts some of the best salmon fishing anywhere in Washington State. Snohomish River salmon fishing is a passtime that anyone in the Everett and Seattle areas to get into fishing in their backyard. The Snohomish River …

16 of the Best Skykomish River Fishing Spots
The Skykomish River is Seattle’s favorite Salmon and Steelhead River. The Skykomish River is one of Washington’s most famous Salmon and Steelhead fishing rivers. Summer Steelhead, Dolly Varden, Pink Salmon, Coho Salmon, Chum Salmon, Chinook Salmon and Trout inhabit the river. If you are yearning to learn more about exploring the Skykomish River, then you …