The summer is winding quickly to a close, and we have some phenomenal late summer weather. The fishing options around Seattle and the rest of Washington State look just as bright! Let’s get out and enjoy the last few weeks of really great saltwater fishing before the first fall rainstorms push those fish into the rivers.
Salmon fishing remains a great option for all of us in the Puget Sound area. September is the peak time to troll or mooch for Coho Salmon in every corner of Puget Sound. My local Marine Area 10 had a strong start to the Coho season and should remain really good until we get a big gully-washer rain system. If we don’t get more than an inch of rain until October, then the entire month of September will be killer fishing! As of the beginning of the month, Sekiu is already living up to its reputation as the Pacific Northwest’s Coho Fishing Capital, with fast-paced fishing and easy limits. Coastal fishers should get out at hit up Grays Harbor’s multiple management zones and Willapa Bay for Coho and Chinook. We are also starting to see some favorite river systems kicking out good catches of salmon in their lower stretches.
Albacore Tuna fishing has been strong out of Westport and Ilwaco, my last trip was phenomenal and we boated 25 nice ones. Select rivers around Western Washington have been pretty quiet as far as crowds, but the adventurous angler can find some solitude and great fishing for Summer Steelhead (think Skykomish, Wynoochee, Humptulips, Cowlitz). Largemouth Bass enthusiasts are sneaking out to their local lakes in the evenings and having great fishing using frogs and other topwater baits. The word on the street is that our Pacific Beaches are stuffed with the healthiest populations of Razor Clams in recent memory, and we are awaiting the word that those beaches open up for an early fall opener, so keep an eye out!