I wanted to send out a quick report from our morning. We headed out of Shilshole at 6 am this morning. I was thinking about starting close at Meadow Point, but something in my gut told me to run across and fish Jeff Head. As we got close, I noticed that the main weekend fleet was fishing at North Jeff, so we decided to avoid the crowd and start mooching on the east side of Jeff Head. Boat traffic was light. With a strong outgoing tide and a south wind, we had the absolute perfect mooching drift. I started off the south side of and found some really good looking rips. We focused on the top 100′ of the water column. Within an hour we hooked a half dozen Coho and landed 3. Not a bad start! As the tide started to slack out we made a move into the shipping lanes, which was pretty unproductive.
After the tide change, I moved up to the north side of Jeff Head closer to President’s Point. The morning crowd had dispersed, but the bait was stacking in nicely on the beginning of the flood. We had a short hour of action and landed another two coho, with a few others lost! Five Coho Salmon kept this morning.