Desperate times call for deperate measures. With the current Covid-19 health crisis, Washington State has implemented an emergency declaration that all fishing and shellfishing in our state is temporarily closed. The latest update is that all fishing is closed until at least May 4. Please visit the WDFW Covid-19/Corona Virus Page for the most updated details on the current situation. It is a crucial time in our state, and we are hopeful that Governor Inslee and the WDFW can come up with a plan forward to safely reopen fishing opportunities as soon as possible. Fishing can be the ultimate social distancing recreation we have, if implemented carefully. We all want to get back on the water.
Our neighbors in Oregon and Idaho have limited fishing opportunities due to the Covid-19 crisis. As of this posting, Oregon has suspended all non-resident fishing, and Idaho has suspended the purchase of non-resident fishing licenses.
Idaho Fish and Game Covid-19 Updates
Oregon Fish and Game Covid-19 Updates
This is the time of year where we all get extremely eager to get out on the water to enjoy some great weather and awesome fishing opportunities. I hope that we will get back on the water in May, and if so we have a lot to look forward to! Ocean Halibut and Bottomfish, Puget Sound Lingcod and Spot Shrimp, Trout and Bass Fishing in every lake in the state have me eager to get back out there!
We need to do our best to stay healthy, safe and positive. Many rural communities that would normally see an influx of visitors are urging non-residents to stay home, and fishing has unfortunately taken a hiatus. In the mean time, I will be organizing and prepping gear, thinking about all the great fishing to come, and keeping the boat clean and ready to roll once we are back in business! Stay healthy everyone!