Yakima Bait Twitching Jigs
Twitching jigs has become a popular way to catch salmon in the rivers of the Pacific Northwest. Yakima Bait’s Twitching Jigs come with a bullet head, durable and lifelike rabbit fur body, tinsel flash, rubber silicone tail and super sharp Gamakatsu hooks, perfect for jigging up Chinook, Coho, Pink and Chum Salmon in your local rivers.
Aerojig Rabbit – Salmon Twitching Jigs
Salmon Twitching Jigs have changed the way we target chinook and coho in tributaries. The technique of “Twitching“ is so effective and so enjoyable you will find yourself fishing longer and harder then ever before. The Aerojig Brand of Twitching Jig is designed to trigger a predatory instinct that fish cannot control. When fished properly this “Coho Twitching Jig” is absolutely devastating on salmon.
Aerojig Twitching Death Jig – Salmon Jigs
A plastic salmon hoochie offers up great action and is extremely durable, this is a popular one for places where you know you’re going to catch multiple fish on the same jig.