Seattle’s Marine Area 10 portion of Puget Sound opens for salmon fishing on June 1 this year! We should start catching Resident Coho, followed by Chinook, Pinks and Ocean-range Coho.

Mooching for Pink, Coho and Chinook Salmon in One Day!
I got to take a great family out to experience their first fishing trip on Puget Sound. Rich Jr. moved to Seattle a year ago and his family was in town for a visit, and decided that they would try out fishing in Rich’s new hometown. Great people that were rewarded with a great day …
Mooching for Pink, Coho and Chinook Salmon in One Day!Read More

Last Call for Catch & Keep Marine Area 10 Chinook – Summer 2019
Yesterday we found out that the show’s almost over… one more day! We had a great run this year, but today is the final day to keep Summer Chinook Salmon in Seattle’s Marine Area 10. So I called a few buddies and planned for a quick morning trip before work. We met super early, untied …
Last Call for Catch & Keep Marine Area 10 Chinook – Summer 2019Read More

Mooching in the Rain and Chinook Bounty
I poured my first cup of coffee at 4 am this morning with the sound of heavy rain outside my kitchen window. It would be a soaker during our morning mooching trip. One of those rare summer rainstorms that makes you feel like we have time-warped straight into fall. It was the first time I …

Kingston Chinook Salmon Fishing
Salmon Fishing near Kingston, Washington Kingston was named after one of its founding fathers, but it most certainly could have been named after the Chinook, or King Salmon that congregate in great numbers in front of the harbor. This is one of my all time favorite places on the planet to salmon fish, and it …

Puget Sound Chinook Salmon Fishing Hot Spots
Best Places To Fish For Chinook Salmon In Puget Sound Many Pacific Northwest residents are excited to wet a line this year for salmon in Puget Sound. The return of Chinook Salmon to the Sound draws the greatest excitement, after all they are the King of all Salmon. The chance at a hefty Chinook leads …