It felt so good being back on the water after a month plus of no fishing! I had ample time to prep my Lingcod gear for the Puget Sound opener and was ready. We launched at Shilshole with a bit of confusion on whether the launch and parking area was open or not, but we managed to get the boat in the water and zip up to nearby Meadow Point to catch a bucket full of sand dabs for live bait.
Big tidal swings coincide with the Lingcod opener every year, and we had a short window before the current really started pushing.
We fished around Seattle and Bainbridge Island at the normal haunts… Alki Reef, which is a pretty cool place to fish, Restoration Point and Blakely Rocks. We ended up catching one keeper, releasing an undersize and losing a Godzilla-oversized Lingcod which sawed us off in the rocks. Great time on the water!
I had several friends that fished Possession Bar and the San Juan Islands and fishing was good there as well!