WDFW previously announced a very generous number of Razor Clam dates for October and November. Recently, Washington Department of Health has found through monitoring that biotoxin levels are too high to safely allow for harvest. Please visit WDFW Razor Clam Page for updated information. As of the date of this post, November 13 is the next tentative date but keep an eye on the state website!
Date: Immediate
Purpose: The purpose of this emergency rule is to close currently scheduled razor clam seasons by repealing WSR 20-21-52
Reasons for this finding: This emergency rule is needed to close recreational razor clam seasons. Department of Health
marine toxin tests show concentrations of toxin exceed the threshold to support safe consumption of razor clams. There is
insufficient time to adopt permanent rules.
Riptidefish.com will occasionally post information on WDFW regulation changes, but the ultimate authority is the WDFW website. Please visit for the most current regulations. WDFW Emergency Rule Changes List and WDFW Emergency Rule Updates and News.