Albacore Tuna Fishing in Westport, Washington
Albacore Tuna are sparking the interest of Washington State saltwater anglers like never before. With more restrictions on seasons and limits for this state’s popular Halibut and Salmon fisheries, many anglers are looking for additional opportunities to hit the ocean for big catches. After seaking out a fishery like Albacore Tuna, which offer line-tearing runs, are vicious feeders, taste great, keep well and have NO LIMIT…well what more would a saltwater fishermen want?!
The invite
Get down here…fishing has been crazy, you said you were dying to catch your first Albacore…tommorrow is your chance! – Mark
Hmm…let me think about that…what time do you want me at the dock! – Me
I headed down I-5 under the light of a full moon. While I have punished myself before with the dreaded 2 am run, I apparently haven’t learned my lesson yet. I couldn’t get over how large and bright that ole’ moon was. Anyways, met at the dock before his clients, and by 6am we were motoring towards the Westport bait dock. Filled the live wells full of Anchovies and made the relatively calm Westport Bar crossing as the light of dawn broke the Eastern horizon. The Westport ocean was flat calm.
Running out to the tuna grounds
We hit the “Tuna Grounds” about 2 hours later. Mark cruised around as we searched the water for jumpers. We started on the troll after spotting a few jumpers. The trolling rods would bury shortly after starting our pass, but pitching live bait on the stop didn’t produce any others. It appeared that they were very scattered. Enter the full moon factor. These fish must have spent all night feeding under the glow of that full moon. We were persistent. We searched for jumping Albacore, hit the troll and picked up a fish here and there. By early afternoon we had four nice tuna in the box, a poor catch by Westport standards. Then the situation changed.
Tuna trolling
Spot a jumping Albacore, make a pass with the trolling rods, pick up a fish, deploy live bait…nothing. That was our morning and a true head-scratcher it was. At about 2pm, we hit another Albacore on the troll, deployed the ‘chovies, and BAM! …double header on live bait! And a third! The crew did the “dance” with lines crossed, multiple fish on continuosly and tuna everywhere. We finally hit a school of feeders.
My first Albacore!
I grabbed a rod and baited up, eager to join the excitement. I lobbed out the live bait and let the Anchovy struggle beyond sight, feeding it a few pulls of line. Bit! I tugged on my first Albacore for a good while before we could get a gaff in him. First one down! I was happy. Deckhand PJ circled the back deck around the livewell, gaffing Albacore, uncrossing lines, pitching Anchovies over the side to keep the school in a feeding frenzy.
Bloody Tuna mess
There was blood everywhere, there were Albacore sliding all over the deck, in between the shuffling of people trying to land fish and stay out of eachothers way. It was the most chaotic scene I’ve seen on a boat. Then the bite died. We counted up the fish on the deck, we had 19, and it was late in the afternoon. Time to head in.
If you want a phenomenal fishing experience you must contact All Rivers & Saltwater Charters!